Hi! I'm Linoy Josef 🤍

Hi! I'm Linoy Josef 🤍

Hi! I'm Linoy Josef 🤍

I’m a visual designer dedicated to exploring the depths of creativity through the lens of endless curiosity and optimism.

Scroll to discover
Scroll to discover

I love to create playful & meaningful interactive experiences that engage the user emotionally.

welcome to my playground 🍋 🌻✨

Please do touch!

Please do touch!

I'm Linoy Josef, a product designer with a bachelor's degree in Visual communication from Shenkar. Don’t be shy to hover, click, drag, and explore. Keep an eye out for some easter eggs!

I'm Linoy Josef, a product designer with a bachelor's degree in Visual communication from Shenkar. Don’t be shy to hover, click, drag, and explore. Keep an eye out for some easter eggs!

welcome to my playground 🍋 🌻✨

Please do touch!

I'm Linoy Josef, a product designer with a bachelor's degree in Visual communication from Shenkar. Don’t be shy to hover, click, drag, and explore. Keep an eye out for some easter eggs!

This website was made using Framer, Figma, Spline, Code Overrides, Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, Notion, some AI, loads of matcha latte and cuddles from Oliver, and tons of pixie dust ✨

Get in touch 💌
