Building homes, building harmony

Building homes, building harmony


UX | UI | Naming | Research | Brand Identity | Illustration | production





Grad project 🎓

Animation by Alina Falin

Meta*noia - Ancient Greek [1577]

  1. The journey to changing one’s mind, heart, and self;  to expand it in such a way as to have a new perspective on the world or oneself.

  2. A spiritual conversation.



Metanoia is a platform that helps couples build their new home together based on shared family values, translates it into visual elements and creates a unique and meaningful family symbol.

Metanoia is a platform that helps couples build their new home together based on shared family values, translates it into visual elements and creates a unique and meaningful family symbol.



One for the brain 🧠 ↳ Many studies show that open dialogue and partner interaction are powerful. It lets us include another person in our identity. The intimate details the couple shares during the conversation create closeness, and sharing with our partners builds strong bonds. It helps us understand each other better. Research shows that talking about compromises ahead of time helps our relationship. This is true even when things are going well.

One for the heart 🫀 ↳ Ultimately, everyone wants to feel understood and valued in a respectful relationship. When you invite someone into your life, they become part of your identity, and vice versa. This is the foundation for creating a happy, nurturing home! It strengthens your bond and starts an exciting journey together.



I wanted to create a way to make this process hopeful and positive. It should also help us know ourselves and each other better. An optimistic—yet grounded—process that fosters connection and self-awareness.



I wanted to create a way to make this process hopeful and positive. It should also help us know ourselves and each other better. An optimistic—yet grounded—process that fosters connection and self-awareness.



I wanted to create a way to make this process hopeful and positive. It should also help us know ourselves and each other better. An optimistic—yet grounded—process that fosters connection and self-awareness.

I aimed to make a clear, neutral, and welcoming interface. It guides the process and brings out the values. It provides a solid foundation for deep, calm discussions. I aimed for a design that breathes, almost sterile. It allows space for creativity, focus, harmony, calmness, and honesty.

I aimed to make a clear, neutral, and welcoming interface. It guides the process and brings out the values. It provides a solid foundation for deep, calm discussions. I aimed for a design that breathes, almost sterile. It allows space for creativity, focus, harmony, calmness, and honesty.

I aimed to make a clear, neutral, and welcoming interface. It guides the process and brings out the values. It provides a solid foundation for deep, calm discussions. I aimed for a design that breathes, almost sterile. It allows space for creativity, focus, harmony, calmness, and honesty.

The couple picks seven values from a list of thirty. These values should embody the home they wish to create together. The amount of values, 7, stands for eternity and perfection and has a sacred link to our roots in many cultures.

The couple picks seven values from a list of thirty. These values should embody the home they wish to create together. The amount of values, 7, stands for eternity and perfection and has a sacred link to our roots in many cultures.

The couple picks seven values from a list of thirty. These values should embody the home they wish to create together. The amount of values, 7, stands for eternity and perfection and has a sacred link to our roots in many cultures.



The wizard takes you on a guided journey. Instead of seeking specific values, the process encourages you to wander through them. You explore and uncover what each one reveals about your relationship. The interface is designed for a slow, thoughtful approach.

It's one of discovery, observation, and deep thinking.

The wizard takes you on a guided journey. Instead of seeking specific values, the process encourages you to wander through them. You explore and uncover what each one reveals about your relationship.
The interface is designed for a slow, thoughtful approach.

It's one of discovery, observation,
and deep thinking.

1/4 - Review

1/4 - Review

To start, each partner gets to express their personal and inner world. We've begun with seven thought-provoking questions. Each shows something about the person— their approach, view, or values in life. Partners take turns filling in their answers on their side of the screen. This offers a peek into everyone's perspective based on their encountered visuals. Once they finish, they land on their shared profile page. There, all their answers come together.

2.1/4 - Discover

2.1/4 - Discover

This is where they find their common ground. As they explore the space, they encounter values in a journey of discovery. They drag and uncover more as they go. The map at the center keeps them anchored, offering a sense of security within the canvas.

When they hover on a particular value, a pop-up screen appears with a brief explanation. They can then decide to add that value to their list.

2.2/4 - Discover (Second View)

2.2/4 - Discover (Second View)

They decide to switch things up and go to the index view. Here, they can scroll through a list of all the options in an organized format.

After reaching their seven out of seven values, they complete the task. They can either proceed to the next stage or continue wandering. Let's opt for the next level.

3/4 - Focus

3/4 - Focus

At this point, they delve deeper into each value they've added to their list of values. They turn his details from generic to personal. What does every value signify in their context, explicitly? Here's the place to elaborate.

The detail helps the interface understand the couple's tone-of-voice better. They add what they wrote to their shared vision board. We'll see it at the end.

4/4 - Create

4/4 - Create

This is where the couple sees their values and answers being transformed into visuals. On the right, they see the seven values they picked. They can select each one to see how it's shown in their unique symbol. They can understand why each visual element represents the value. By default, the illustrations reflect the couple's initial answers to the questionnaire. but they can switch to a cultural representation that feels more aligned with them if they prefer.

Meanings & Cultural Sensitivity

The meaning behind each visual translation of a value is inspired by three cultural traditions: Arabian, Western, and Eastern.

Hover to view the meaning behind each figure

Click to view the meaning behind each figure

Challenges & Solutions

Creating this platform involved tackling tricky challenges and touchy points. This was especially so since we're navigating sensitive scenarios.
Here are a few of them:


Balancing Act

How might we ensure that both partners are heard equally and without hierarchy? That each person brings their own unique background, values, and preferences to the table?



The space is designed in a way where individuals gain recognition while also being heard as a team. Each person gets to reveal their a taste of their inner worlds, cultures, and imagination through these questions.


Personalization and
Cultural Sensitivity

  1. How might we engage the couple in designing the visuals for their chosen values?

  2. How might we ensure respect for different cultures and be mindful of the meanings that symbols can carry?



The Create section tackles both problems head-on. The couple gets to choose what visuals and meanings best represents their culture; the composition of the symbol changes according to their values hirarchy; the size of each visual changes as well. They can even decide the positions of each visual. For example, the horse can either walk or gallop.


A Clear Preview

How might we give couples a clear picture of the physical symbol they're about to receive? the final product they get is crafted from wooden layers that mirror the couple's journey to their shared creation.



I added a brief 3D 360° snippet before checkout. It shows the final symbol's layers and composition.

Visual Language

I aimed to make a clear, neutral, and welcoming interface. It guides the process and brings out the values. It provides a solid foundation for deep, calm discussions. I aimed for a design that breathes, almost sterile. It allows space for creativity, focus, harmony, calmness, and honesty.


Circular Concept

I went with a graphic motif of circles. The circles in the logo invite dialogue. In the symbols and across the interface, they represent infinity.

The interface starts with a symbolic interaction. The couple drags one circle to another. This creates a shared space between them. This action opens up
the interface.


Color Palette

For the color palette, I chose soft, calming colors. They create a breathing space and keep the focus on the process and conversation. The colors are clean, harmonious, and gentle. I wanted to add a touch of sacredness with green as a symbol of renewal. I also wanted a hint of light neon for brightness.



The clean and elegant typeface adds modernity to the design, while still maintaining readability.

The Symbols

I wanted the symbols to convey a sense of new, spiritual beginnings. They should feel pure, hopeful, and almost sacred. To serve their purpose in becoming a forever family symbol, I wanted to keep it classic, elegant, and timeless. 

Crafted from wood, the symbols capture a natural, organic feel. Each has layers - They reflect the couple's journey to connect and make their shared creation.

The illustrations feature elegant, delicate lines. They also give each character unique traits. These traits add warmth and character.

Behind the Scenes

On a personal note, the behind-the-scenes process was lengthy but incredibly rewarding. You can scroll down a bit to see the initial wireframes, sketches, and production tries. I learned a ton and gained some amazing insights. I love blending the physical and digital worlds. This fosters a connection with users on an emotional level while staying functional.

The interface is dynamic. It can generate more symbols over time. This reflects the changing nature of relationships. They can revisit old symbols and vision boards they made. These items remind them of their relationship over time. This way, they double-function as a time capsule.

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This website was made using Framer, Figma, Spline, some coding, Illustrator, Photoshop, Notion, some AI, loads of matcha latte, cuddles from Oliver, and tons of pixie dust ✨

This website was made using Framer, Figma, Spline, some coding, Illustrator, Photoshop, Notion, some AI, loads of matcha latte, cuddles from Oliver, and tons of pixie dust ✨

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This website was made using Framer, Figma, Spline, some coding, Illustrator, Photoshop, Notion, some AI, loads of matcha latte, cuddles from Oliver, and tons of pixie dust ✨

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