I’m a visual designer dedicated to exploring creativity through the lens of endless curiosity and optimism. I love to create playful & meaningful interactive experiences that engage the user emotionally.

I’m a visual designer dedicated to exploring creativity through the lens of endless curiosity and optimism. I love to create playful & meaningful interactive experiences that engage the user emotionally.

I’m a visual designer dedicated to exploring creativity through the lens of endless curiosity and optimism. I love to create playful & meaningful interactive experiences that engage the user emotionally.

  • Solving old problems with fresh ideas is fun

  • Long live print!

  • Empathy is key

  • Good storytelling will save the world

  • Don Norman is the real OG

  • Solving old problems with fresh ideas is fun

  • Long live print!

  • Empathy is key

  • Good storytelling will save the world

  • Don Norman is the real OG

  • Solving old problems with fresh ideas is fun

  • Long live print!

  • Empathy is key

  • Good storytelling will save the world

  • Don Norman is the real OG

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Scroll to discover
Hover the photo to time travel!
Scroll to discover
Press the photo to time travel!
Scroll to discover

I have a bachelor's degree in Visual communication from Shenkar, but my creative journey started at 8-bit 👾

I have a bachelor's degree in Visual communication from Shenkar, but my creative journey started at 8-bit 👾

I have a bachelor's degree in Visual communication from Shenkar, but my creative journey started at 8-bit 👾

Scroll to discover
Scroll to discover

When I'm not on Figma, you can find me…

When I'm not on Figma,
you can find me…

This website was made using Framer, Figma, Spline, Code Overrides, Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, Notion, some AI, loads of matcha latte and cuddles from Oliver, and tons of pixie dust ✨

This website was made using Framer, Figma, Spline, Code Overrides, Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, Notion, some AI, loads of matcha latte and cuddles from Oliver, and tons of pixie dust ✨

Get in touch 💌


This website was made using Framer, Figma, Spline, Code Overrides, Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, Notion, some AI, loads of matcha latte and cuddles from Oliver, and tons of pixie dust ✨

Get in touch 💌
